About Me

Hello there kiddlie-winks. We are the awesome team (Like a Pokemon team only without the Pokemon), consisting of two Matthews and a Bree. We are here to turn your brains upside down and inside out with our pondering oblongs. This fun filled blog is here for witty remarks and a stream of oddities. Your mind is about to undergo an adventure of enlightenment. Where you will discover more about yourself in this temple of wonderment, than you ever could in the real world, enjoy the pandemonium.

George Negus is the devil.

Powerful words indeed, but I’m not here to throw accusations around without something substantial to back it up. Ever since his break through onto the television screens in 1967 as a reporter for This Day Tonight George Negus has been winning the hearts of Parents and Grandparents Australia wide.
His influence over our parents is enough to warrant some concern but when you pay some thought to it you have to admit, anyone who looked like this at any stage in their evolution should not be trusted.
When you hear him speak he has a cool air of authority whether it be about teen drug abuse or a bomb scare, it’s enough to cause a smart enough human being to realize that George Negus most likely gave the child the drugs or planted the bomb.
If I haven’t convinced you yet then here is something you cannot disagree with, George Negus is systematically taking over our televisions. Not only does he have his own television program, self indulgently titled 6:30 with George Negus but this program is not only on at 6:30 but also on at 11 as well, it might not seem much but it’s a slippery slope from here to communism, let’s not forget how Fidel Castro took over Cuba.

 I’m shocked that the authorities haven’t taken action, time and time again I have gone into the police station with enough evidence to bring down presidents, and time and time again I am thrown out onto the street and told to piss off. Well if they’re going to ignore the evidence then I guess I can’t stop them, but what I can do is ask you this dear reader, would you trust a man who was spotted by one of our photographers having a jolly sit down with Osama himself……..think about it.

This article (if you can call it that) is entirely fictitious and if we get sued by "the man" then I ask for you to come down to the court room and have a drink with me.

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