About Me

Hello there kiddlie-winks. We are the awesome team (Like a Pokemon team only without the Pokemon), consisting of two Matthews and a Bree. We are here to turn your brains upside down and inside out with our pondering oblongs. This fun filled blog is here for witty remarks and a stream of oddities. Your mind is about to undergo an adventure of enlightenment. Where you will discover more about yourself in this temple of wonderment, than you ever could in the real world, enjoy the pandemonium.

Tis The Season To Get Blogging, Tralalalala La La La La.

Oh hello, I didn't see you there amongst my “Things To Do, But Never Get Around To Actually Doing” List.
This dear old blog, what is it actually here for? Well I'll tell you, it’s for the average person to read on a rainy day, or when there’s no fuel in the car to go down to the shops to buy those emergency tissues from when that rude peasant sneezed on you at work, granting you an unpleasant ticket to cold town…
It’s days like that, that this somewhat temperamental “Pondering Oblong” will hopefully come in handy. I admit, we are doing quite an appalling job at keeping it fresh and up to-date, you can blame me for that. (I’ll let you decide who the ‘me’ is).
To be honest, I can’t think of a god damn thing to write about. I mean I've had my moments of inspiration while I go about my lazy life, but nothing that I can say “Wow! That’s worth writing about!”, as the moments mainly consist of me eating a banana, or elegantly stubbing my toe on the end of my bed and creating a new form of swear words, such as “Shi-utka!” or “Fuu-shadada”.

Anyway moving on to some sort of meaning to this post… >___>

I wrote this next little story a while ago, but I thought it was a bit bland and pointless, but you never know, you might get a small sense of relation to it...

We've all experienced that horrid moment when you've just got yourself nice and comfortable in your bed; you’ve had such a busy day and you're really just looking forward to a grand old sleep, when suddenly a high pitched buzzing breaks the peaceful air of your room. At first you're too tired to worry about such a thing and roll over to try the other side (as they say, the grass is always greener!) 

Silence, thank god.

It's like you're in the stalls of a bloody racetrack!

Let's try the ol' swipe everywhere around you in the dark trick (there's no need for lights when you're a ninja right?). Maybe you'll hit it with your thumb and knock it out onto the floor for you to tread on in the morning. After about 5 or so longish minutes of banging the walls with your palms and a load of violent night swiping, you think that's probably enough stupidity, so you lay your head down on that gloriously soft pillow and close your eyes. 


Right, that’s it! Time for some light on the matter!  


(..I couldn’t resist)

After your eyes have adjusted to the extreme brightness of the once dark room; THERE! Sitting on the wall, is your beloved (soon to have its guts imprinted on your palm) mosquito friend. Steady now…Don’t let it see you…THUMP!

With its bloody remains of your blood (and possibly others) on your wall, you leave it there as a trophy for the morning. With such a joyous smile, you turn out the light, roll over and enjoy the peace and quite of the night

...Until about an hour later when you awake with an itch behind your ear, and to your great misfortune, the song of the mosquito's has returned once more.

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